Frosty Friends Winter Cards with Dunja

Have a nice week start Rubber Dance friends! Today I have made winterly cards for you. Building a snowman, in November? That will definitely work. So here in Germany, where I live, not yet ;-)

The backgrounds are Gellliprints, which I made with a snowflake stencil, embossing paste and embossing powder. I've used two different powders, one is a sparkling snow and the other one is called white puff, the Snowflakes look awesome with that powder :)

Thanks a lot for stopping by and do not forget to join our Rubber Dance Stampinglounge, if you're not already there ;-)

Take care and stay safe!

Dunja  xx


Dorothea said…
Love you're background!! 😍
Susanne Rose said…
Amazing work. I so love these cards! It's awesome how you are using your gelli prints! So creative!

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