December Recap - Lots of Inspiration!

Hellloooo, stampers! It's Bibi here today (owner of Rubber Dance), and it's that time of the month again when I share a few of the pretties made with my rubber stamps during the month passing. Some of these projects have been published on this blog, some on our Scandinavian blog , and others again on the DT members' own blogs - so even if you are a follower of this blog I bet there are quite a few you haven't seen before! My beloved team and I hope you will find something that inspires you to make your own pretties. Remember that you can add any of the photos to your own Pinterest account (if you have one), or simply download your faves to your own computer and look at them later when your mojo needs a nudge :-) In alphabetical order: DT Anita: Bibi: GD Craftyfield: DT Gail: DT Irit: DT Katy: DT Kristiina: ...