Mama Owl Card By Dot Leathbridge

Hello everyone,
I hope that everyone is okay and keeping safe.  
Mama Owl sure is, she's hiding in among the leaves and flowers.
Today I've a tutorial for you showing how I made this card.

After checking out the colours on this month's Mood Board
I chose a couple of my favourite colours, along with the leaves from the board,
and used them as my inspiration for this card.

To make a beginning, I've wiped yellow and burgundy ink onto
a craft sheet, spritzed it with water and then swiped my card through it.
I always like to keep dipping my card into the drops that are
left behind on my craft sheet. Drying between each layer as I go.

For the next step I've used 'tone on tone' stenciling.
All this means is that the inks that were used for the background
have been used for the stenciling as well.
Burgundy on top of burgundy.
Yellow on top of yellow.
It gives a lovely pop of colour to your background when you do this.

To add another layer I've stamped one of the background elements
from Mama Owl with burgundy ink.

Mama Owl was stamped onto some scrap coloured card
that I had saved, and then she was cut out.
The flowers, from Loose Florals #1, were stamped
onto white card and also cut out.

I decided later on to add some leaves from
Twiggy Leaves.  You can see them on the main picture.

Here is a close up of Mama Owl.
I've added some extra hits of colour with my
colouring pencils, highlighting the yellow and burgundy colours.
A white gel pen was used to add a few more white areas.

This close up shows some of the layers.
The Twiggy Leaves make a lovely corner embellishment.

And this is a close up of the other side. 
I really like the colours that we have on the
Mood Board this month.

I hope that you have time this month to pop on over to our
face book group and take up the Mood Board Challenge.

The stamps used on my card today are:

Mama Owl

Twiggy Leaves

Loose Florals #1

I hope you have enjoyed this tutorial as much as 
I had making it.
Wishing everyone a really crafty day.

Dot x


Susanne Rose said…
What a stunning card Dot! I so love the colors!

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