A Rose by any other name would smell as sweet...

Hello everyone Debs here with  Blossoming Rose a stamp set I designed for Rubber Dance.  

I love roses, as they bring me so many memories of childhood. I would wait until the petals had started to wilt then whip off the heads  and put them into bottles with water. I would wait until the petals had given off their scent then strain off the petals to give me rose water. I thought I was  so clever making perfume, hehe! 

Back to my card

The paper I'm using is handmade and absorbes lots of water so you can really get the colours flowing. I stamped the Rose, heat set it, then spritzed the page with water. Using a large round watercolour brush, (mines a Sable which I love, as it holds lots of water/ pigment) I sploched a light wash of Raw Umber around the rose with touches or burnt Sienna. I the dried off the paper with a heat tool. For the rose I used Alizion Crimson again applied wet in wet. It was difficult to stop the paint seeping outside the lines. Quick tip - use a dry brush to soak up unwanted paint. Or wet the area and lift the colour out with a dry clean paper towel. The highlights on the roses were created by taking out the colour.

For the background of the card I played around with some colours on a mixed media card. Dried the card then spritzed to give some visual texture. 

What I used 
Blossoming Rose and Sennellier Watercolours 

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Thank you for stopping by
See you all soon
Hugs xx


aussie aNNie said…
LOVE this and need, want, have to have that stamp.,...xx
Have a lovely weekend.xx♥ [aNNie]
So delicately beautiful Debs
Donna xx
Bibi Lindahl said…
Ohhh, is so beautiful, Debs! Love how you lifted paint off to make the highlights, and the brown background you painted around the rose makes it look quite vintage. Absolutely gorgeous! I also love the handmade paper with flower petals embedded - just perfect for this stamp. Thank you so much for sharing with us! ♥ ♥ ♥
Sue said…
This is just beautiful Debs, and what a fabulous quote xx
Thanks Annie, glad you like it. Hugs Debsxx
Thank you Bibi, I think the stamp lends itself to vintage so well. Hugs Debxx
Thanks Sue, the quote is one of my favourite, and so poignant for me xxx
Thank you so much 😊

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