His demons- my art or getting your inspiration from TV shows

 Hello my dear crafty friends and welcome to my new post made for Rubber Dance blog.
It's Irit on the DT here and this time it's all about getting the inspiration and making art from this inspiration.
And this is the story of this art piece.
Here and there I am asked about the places where I get my art inspiration. Sometimes it's just from photos (when I scarp); sometimes it's from the nature, seasons and things around us; sometimes it's just a song title or a song  line ; and sometimes the whole piece is born from the TV show or a movie.
This  arches over  the arch altered Mixed Media piece was born from the TV show.
 Lately I am addicted to historic  serials and one of those is Da Vinci's Demons show of already two seasons. Our TV providers changed the name to Da Vinci's Secrets, but the original name is  a real thing. This outstanding artist was obsessed with his own demons and also this show is  somewhere between history and fantasy, it's still all about the artist  searching for  his way in the chaotic 16- th century world.
So with Rubber Dance Da Vinci stamp set it was just so natural to make the art piece about Da Vinci's demons connected to my own art.
I didn't make a full tutorial  for this art piece, but I think it's all self explanatory one.
According to the artist's life time arches were the best kind of a " canvas" to arrange his work over.
So I used 3 of Tando Creative chipboard arches one over another to make this 3 layers arrangement.
  Da Vinci's self portrait was placed in the central part over the bottom arch and his 2 gorgeous ladies were placed inside the second arch  from both sides.
All stamping was made over white tissue paper and glued with gel medium.
The chipboard was painted in red color  (he was bleeding over and over in this movie, really and inside his soul.) I  used crackle medium over the red paint and then painted with dirty white paint to get this aged look.
For this artist being an engineer it was obvious that I need to use metal gears and metal parts over my art piece.

My title was made in two parts. The upper one (His demons) was made with paper stickers  used as a mask and black ink added over the stickers, that were peeled later.
The " My art" part of title was made with two chipboard letters and stamped ART word (Da Vinci  stamp set). I also added some other RD stamps, such as number strip  from ATC backgrounds 1 set on the bottom and stamped circles over my tissue stamped pieces ( Round in Circles set). As the final touches I added another small chipboard arch with a metal clock over it and some teal mist drops around for the interest. The music notes chipboard on the bottom was added as my tribute to the music of his soul.

I am really sorry that all the background textures are not really seen on my photos as they are also very rich in colors and textures.

I really hope you like my artistic Mixed Media piece and you now understand where we, the artists, get some of our inspiration.



Craftyfield said…
Lovely piece Irit, very artistic. Interesting to learn how you get your inspiration too!
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thank you, Irit! Lovely Da Vinci triptych-looking piece!
Reading how you were inspired by a TV show, has made me think differently of the book I'm currently reading, "Travels with Charley" (John Steinbeck), and how that book can inspire me to make some artwork ... After all, Charley is a big poodle...and I have one, too! Besides, Steinbeck is really good at describing the nature he sees on his way, and I have lots of nature stamps....
Thank you for inspiring me to get inspired! ;-)
Paula Whittaker said…
wonderful piece Irit x
Unknown said…
We watch the Da Vinci series too Irit and your creation is so perfect! I understand it totally! And such an INCREDIBLE use of your Rubber Dance Stamps too! j.
ionabunny said…
Great project Irit. Love all the details. Hugz

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