Design Team - One Year Anniversary!

Hello everyone! It's Bibi (owner of Rubber Dance) here today. I can't believe it's been a whole year already since my very first Design Team started working for Rubber Dance! And what a GOOD year it has been!! 

I was extremely lucky to find such nice and talented women who were willing to make artwork in exchange for stamps! And what do you know - they think they are lucky, too! It's a win-win situation for us all, but between you and me,  (I'm leaning forward, whispering ...), I am the luckiest of us all, no doubt!!
I couldn't have kept this blog so active and full of awesome artwork and tutorials all on my own, nor would I have been able to spread the word about my stamps like my DT has on their own blogs and other social media - and a few paper publications, too, plus lots and lots of video tutorials on youtube. Did you know you can find all the video tuts in one place right here? Now you do, but go back and look at those videos later because right now you have to look at these fine ladies, who'll all stay on my DT during this next term, August 1st to January 31st, 2016 (and hopefully much longer after that ....).

If you are a regular reader of this blog, you have already met and see the work of the first six chicks - Katy, Gabriele, Susanne, Helen, Majo, and Irit. Brand new on the team are Anita and Gail, who both live in Norway. You may perhaps know these two women by their blog usernames, Niti and Ionabunny! :-)  They will be posting on my other blog, which is in Norwegian, but I'm sure you'll see their artwork here once in a while, too - so please give them a very warm welcome, and a happy continuance to the good ol' six! ♥

If you want to read more about these FAB women, please go to this page where you'll find their bios, or drop by their blogs and simply admire their work!

Rubber Dance Design Team Blogs:

From the bottom of my heart, a BIG thank you to all my DT members for all the work you do, for your support and for always cheering me on, for believing in me and for loving my stamps! You are THE BEST!!!!!

It's almost like a speech at the Oscars here, but bare with me (I'm almost done), for I also want to thank all our loyal blog readers for your lovely comments, and to all my lovely customers and those who have won our challenges and giveaway and blog about the artwork you've made with my stamps, and to all of you who join our monthly challenges and thereby also help spreading the word. The blogland grapevine is growing and baring fruit- so thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!! ♥

I honestly cannot express how grateful I am, but perhaps I can show you by having a giveaway? I hadn't prepared for one, but I can be spontaneous - so here goes: Out of the comments left on this post, I'll randomly pick out TWO winners who will get to choose a whole set from the new stamps that will be released in a few days. How's that? I can announce the winners when I post about the new stamps on Sunday, August 9th. My goodness, I must be having a temporary strike of genius, 'cause that way you HAVE to check back and look at my new stamps, too! *grins*
This giveaway is open to anyone, worldwide. Just leave a comment below and you're in! :-)

Till next time: Be super good to yourself.


Update August 9th: My giveaway is now closed.
To see the new stamps and who won, click here.

If you didn't win this time, there's always a chance to win a pile of stamps from Rubber Dance
when you join our monthly challenge.


Sandra Wright. said…
You certainly have an awesome team Bibi...but then you must be an awesome "Boss".....having recently found you,I am enjoying your amazing stamps, your blog and the challenges and to add to my excitement, you have new stamps. I can hear my pocket money jingling.
You Girls Rock...x
Cazzy said…
Hi Bibi, thanks for your lovely comments on my blog, I love my new stampsl
Oh how I wish I could write in anything except English lol. Congratulations to the DT on their anniversary, keep up the amazing work.

Cazzy x
Glennis F said…
Congratulations on your anniversary, and welcome to your new design team members.
I am looking forward to seeing the new release, and thank you for the chance to win an exciting prize!
Suman Pandit said…
Hi Bibi,you have a wonderful wonderful design team and it is a pleasure to see all the creations by you and your team !! A big welcome to Anita and Gail too, I got familiar with them seeing their creations on the Rubber Dance Challenges ......btw am thinking of taking up Norwegian or Swedish lessons !! looking forward to the new releases,best wishes !!
Denise Bryant said…
Welcome to Anita and Gail! Looking forward to seeing lots of inspiration from the entire team! Can't wait to see what's new, and I'll be anxious to check in here on the 9th!
Majo said…
I'm so proud to be on this amazing team. It's like family ♥
Jane said…
Hi Bibi I only recently found you and your awesome stamps. ...I love them..such original designs and fab quality. Congratulations on your first year and here's to the future. I also regard you as a good friend despite the miles between us. Thank you for the giveaway. Hugs xx
laury55 said…
welcome to the new team members, can't wait to see what they create and thanks for the inspiration of all the DT members
loulou said…
Congratulations on your anniversary and your amazing team. Really looking forward to seeing your new designs
Dagny Manstrup said…
Tillykke!!! Jeg glæder mig altid til at se nyt på din blog. Det er altid god inspiration at hente der.
Glæder mig også til at se de nye stempler.
Chris Dring said…
Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! What a great design team you have, and I can't wait to see what awesomeness they create in the future!
Carol said…
Welcome to the new team members and congratulations on your first anniversary. Thank you for the chance to win. Carol x
ionabunny said…
Happy Birthday to the team. So happy to be part of it. Thanks to everyone for your lovely and welcoming comments and to you Bibi for giving me a chance to be a part of your exciting journey. Oooh, new stamps ! Scrummy. Hugz
Unknown said…
Wow time flies when you are having fun! I love being part of this fab team. Thanks for having me Bibi x
Karen said…
Hooray for the Design Team! They are fabulous! Thanks
TangledBlueRose said…
Congratulations on your anniversary! Such a wonderful achievement and you must be fabulous to create for :)
Happy to see so many familiar faces and all of their art is amazing! Looking forward to many more fabulous visits and inspiration! Congrazz to all the DT and you Bibi!
Craftyfield said…
Until today I had given no thoughts to learning any of the Scandinavian languages.... I so wish I had!
Well done on your blogaversary Bibi, it's been a great blog year and I'm sure the DT will continue to inspire us next year with those beautiful stamps of yours.
Artatag said…
Yay, I am super, super proud to be part of this bunch of great girls. Happy Anniversary, Bibi! ❤️❤️❤️
barb1066 said…
I am very fortunate to know Katy Leitch personal, she is such a great advocate and ambassador for your stamps. And she is always singing the praises of you and her fellow design team.
You have a great selection of great artists using your amazing Stamps.
Girl, you do sound lucky! How awesome sauce that your team gets along and raises awareness about your lovely stamps! Congrats and thank you to the DT for the inspo and desication. Y'all rock! ~Niki
Good luck Bibi. ..that's an amazing line up of talents. Waiting to see your new releases and a bit sad not fitting into your requirements! Sending hugs.
Lizzy Hill said…
CONGRATS to 'your' girls.....they are fabulous designers & do lovely work with your stamps.....I hope they take you from strength to strength......go, BIBI!!!
Unknown said…
Ahhh - I loved seeing all your sweet faces. CONGRATULATIONS on a full year for all of you on this INCREDIBLE design team. I'm pretty new to your stamps but I have to say I am loving them! Looking forward to seeing your creations for another WONDERFUL year!!! j.
Nikki said…
Congratulations to you and your DT and to another creative year coming thanks for the chance hugs Nikki C
Happy happy days :-) Congrats on your Anniversary, Bibi! I am so glad and proud to became a member of this fantastic DTcrue. Thank you so much ❤️ Hugs from Niti/anita
Karen P said…
Congrats Bibi and team! Love this place a lot because I am always inspired by the DT creations and love seeing the gorgeous new stamps too. Looking forward to seeing what the new team share too, wish you only the best and better Karen xx
JennyH said…
Congratulations Bibi to you and your amazing DT : )
Ellie Knol said…
It's been a pleasure to look at all the amazing art with your stamps, so just keep all the inspiration coming, PLEASE?! :)
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments and kind words, you guys! ♥ You're awesome and I wish you all could win!! The two lucky winners have been announced today, right here:

Thanks again, everyone! You made my day - several days in a row!! :-)))))

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