1st Year Anniversary Giveaway and Blog Hop

Hello everyone and welcome to this fun blog hop with many Rubber Dance stamps to win! Tjooohoo! 

It's Bibi here (owner of Rubber Dance), and today it's been exactly one year since I blogged about something I had made using Rubber Dance stamps! I cannot believe it's been a whole year already, but on the other hand - there has been a lot happening since then. Things really started moving after I had hired my very first Design Team in August last year, and with their help this blog rapidly changed from being a rather quiet place to quite a busy bee hive!

My Design Team members
have made so many beautiful things with my stamps, helped spread the word out there in blogland (and beyond), and they've been such a great support in more ways than I can count. I'd be way up creek without a paddle without them! ♥ Love you guys! ♥

From zero readers to nearly 40.000 hits in just one year - that's pretty awesome!

And if you're curious where all those readers live, here's another stats report
(we have readers from many more countries than these, but the Alltime History Stats shows the top 10 only)

(During this first year, only 2 out of all those people from my homecountry Norway have left a comment on my blog... where are you guys??)

This blog wouldn't be such a fun playground without all our readers, of course, so now that I celebrate my own 1st year blogging anniversary, YOU the readers are the best gift a blogger could dream of!! Therefore it's only natural that the anniversary gifts goes to you, and the best gifts I can give back to this blog's readers are of course Rubber Dance stamps. I know you love'em. I know you want'em! ;-)

Each member of my Design Team have chosen 3 of their own favorite DT makes for their blog posts today, and will also let you know which 3 are their favorite single stamps. 3 seems to be the lucky number here, so let's have 3 winners, too!

  • TWO lucky winners drawn at random will win my Design Team members' favourite stamps! 
  • ONE additional winner who shares this gift giveaway on Facebook gets a €20 voucher (approximately $25) to spend in the Rubber Dance webshop any time she wants! Just tell me that you have shared it when you leave a comment below, and you're in! I trust you ♥

 How's that for some nice anniversary gifts, ey? ;-)

If more than one DT member like the same stamp, I will replace those with some of my own faves to avoid duplicates in the prize. If the winners own any of the prize stamps from before, they can pick their own faves to replace those.

To participate in this blog hop giveaway, all you have to do is to visit the DT's posts below and leave a comment on all of them, as well as a comment on this one. It'll just take a few minutes of your time. You do not have to be a follower of the blogs in our hop, but you're of course very welcome to become one -  if you aren't already.

Hop along and see the Design Team's fave DT makes and fave three Rubber Dance stamps:

Susanne: http://clayscrapkreativ.blogspot.no/2015/05/rubber-dance-1st-anniversary.html

Majo: http://majos-art.blogspot.no/2015/05/rubber-dance-stamps-1st-anniversary-and.html

Katy: http://postcardsfromtheattic.blogspot.no/2015/05/rubber-dance-1st-year-anniversary.html

Irit: http://iritshalom.blogspot.no/2015/05/rubber-dance-1-st-anniversary-blog-hop.html

Helen: http://acraftproject.blogspot.no/2015/05/rubber-dance-first-year-anniversary-and.html

Gabriele: https://artatag.wordpress.com/2015/05/19/1st-year-anniversary-giveaway-and-blog-hop/

Rubber Dance blog: You are here :-)

Thank you for joining and good luck! May the best hoppers win! :-)

The winners will be announced on this blog and on our Facebook page on June 19th,
shortly after noon Central European Time, so remember to check in to see if you won.


I think my own three fave makes are these:


I know that's four - but I'm the boss and can do what I want! *snickers*

Thank you for stopping by today, thank you for stopping by so often! :-)
♥ I look forward to reading all your comments ♥

And finally, a message in Norwegian....

Til slutt, en beskjed på norsk:

Hei! Hvis du foretrekker å legge igjen en kommentar på norsk, er det helt i orden!
Jeg minner om at det fortsatt er mulig å søke om en plass på det norske DesignTeamet.
Mvh Bibi


June 19th: This giveaway blog hop has now closed.
♥ Thank you for all your lovely comments! ♥

To see who won, go to the announcement here.


Lizzy Hill said…
What a fabulous increase for you in the year....congratulations on the growth and on creating such wonderful stamps that can be used in so many different ways:) I really enjoyed popping around to all the DT blogs and seeing their work....and of course, thanks for the chance to win some of your lovely stamps:):)
Kristiina said…
Congrats on your year! Must take a lot of work marketing a new brand. I've really enjoyed your stamps, way to go and thanks for the chance to win!
ionabunny said…
Hi Bibi, congrats on your first anniversary. Wow, you have done great. I can't believe only two people from Norway have left comments after all those hits. I am still trying to work out how to get people who visit just for a look (I call that lurking and am guilty myself sometimes) to leave comments. I predict lots of comments on this post LOL. I counted four fabulous makes and your comment made me laugh so thanks for that. Your stamps are gorgeous and I wish you every success and many more comments. Hugz
Julie S said…
I don't remember how I found you but I'm so glad I did. I had no idea you had only been around for a year. Kudos!
massofhair said…
Didn't know you have only been around for one year Bibi! Am so glad i found you and your very versatile stamp designs.

I enjoy visiting your DT who are very creative and full of inspiration.

Amazing stats, am sure your figures will carry on growing as the word about Rubber Dance keeps flowing out into the ethers.

Have a fun time in Denmark and thank you for such a generous prize. Love love love my Rubber Dance stamps:-) xxx
Hi Bibi, concratulates with 1. Year anniversary! Thats pretty cool that you had grown from zero readers (where i am now at My blog) to over 40,000! : ) that must be awesome! I wish You the best for the year to come.
Hugs from Niti :)
Boo G said…
Congrats, Bibi!! Happy Anniversary. That's a whole lot of views in one year. Way to go!!!
Unknown said…
YEAH - Happy Anniversary Bibi. What GREAT statistics. You should be so proud.... so proud for you too! YOU ARE RIGHT... I love your stamps. I want your stamps!!! YES. I put you on my facebook page: Joi Atthe Ranch in honor of your anniversary! And... the DT went all out for the occasion - WONDERFUL projects - such CREATIVITY. Have a great trip! Looking forward to doubling (or more) your followers before your 2nd anniv!!! j.
Unknown said…
OOPS - forgot to tell you.... sooooooooooooooo glad you included number 4 - it's my fav!!! Of course, they are all SPECTACULAR but... orange is my fav color so FABULOUS eye candy for me seeing your "triptych" bird project. LOVE it. j.
Ellie Knol said…
Hi Bibi, I don't see the Netherlands on there! That must be a mistake! 1 year only? It feels like more! Congratulations, and may you have many more!
Ellie Knol said…
forgot to say, LOVE your top 4!
Dagny Manstrup said…
Tillykke med fødselsdagen!!!!!!!!!!
Cazzy said…
Oh the beauty of being the boss! Love your top 4, and your first ever post too! I didn't realise you had only been going for a year!
Shared to Facebook.
TangledBlueRose said…
Happy Anniversary and thank so much for making such awesome stamps! They are all wonderful and the DT is fabulous!~kim
Happily shared on Facebook!
TwinkleToes2day said…
Happy First Blogiversary to you Bi. That year has gone sooo very fast. I am delighted with your success, it is so well deserved. Have an awesome time in Denmark {{Hugs}} xo
Katie said…
Fab projects from the dt and i am glad i have stumbled across your blog. Shared post on FB for you.
Glennis F said…
A fabulous blog hop - I am so glad I have found you, and I am now a new follower. Your selection of projects is awesome - love them all.
BTW my birthday is 19th May as well, so Happy Anniversary to you too
Jackie PN said…
Happy Anniversary!!!!! You must be doing something right Bibi- because the following sure says so!! Woo hoo!! Congratulations!! Great blog hop with so much beautiful inspiration- thanks so much for your generosity and best wishes for another bunch of years to come!! ")
Gerrina said…
Congrats on being around in blogland for a year! I really enjoy the makes from you all and think you form a good deverse team! I love getting inspirated by you all! Inky greetings, Gerrina
Denise Bryant said…
Love your 'top 4'! Congrats on blogging for one year... looking forward to hopping to see the DT's favorites!
Happy Blog Anniversary Bibi!! Wow, with all those statistics...its an amazing journey! I wish you many more happy moments in coming years!
Your DT team is fab, love to visit this blog for great work and inspiration! Kudos to them!
Craftyfield said…
Wonderful stamps, wonderful DT why wouldn't the blog work? Wishing you continuing success... and more comments from these shy Norwegians readers!
Unknown said…
Happy blog anniversary...Great stamps and wonderful art work.
Anonymous said…
Congrats Bibi - and to your Design Team as well, wish you every success in the forthcoming years! :D (Rose Dunn - M3)
Congrats Bibi on your anniversary and wishes for many more. You have an amazing collection of stamps and I shamelessly admit I would like to WIN them too! Love the tags here and amazing works by the DT's. Great team you have. Hope to hop soon. Hugs.
Ellie Knol said…
Shared on Facebook...
loulou said…
Where have I been - living under a rock?? I have only just found out about your amazing stamps. I was totally stunned by the gorgeous creations from your DT. Happy Anniversary.
loulou said…
Had to say I love a stamp company that has in their store stamp categories that include weird and bohemian - lol.
Unknown said…
Congratulations on your first very successful year. I don't have ant a Rubber Dance stamps but would love to give them a try.
Cheryl said…
Congratulations on a very successful first year. I hope you continue to grow and have many more successful years. I have shared with many friends, your blog and totally awesome stamp collection. I have yet to own any myself, so I am crossing my fingers that I may actually win one. Keep up the great work! Best of luck to everyone who has entered!
RosA said…
Congratulations Bibi! Your three (oops, sorry, 4) favourites are gorgeous! I would certainly put them on my favourites list also :)
(That's very odd that you have so few Norwegian comments. I'm sure that will change.)
RosA said…
Well, I've just hopped around to have a look at everyone's choices and I was not disappointed :)
Great work! Congratulations on having brought together such a creative design team!
Jane said…
I've only just found your lovely stamps and blog. They are really gorgeous....thanks for the shout out for the hop...off now to take a peek! X
Jane said…
I have also been over to Facebook and put your hop on my wall and joined your page. Thanks so much your stamps are really wonderful and I would love to play with some x
Suman Pandit said…
Congratulations Bibi for the successful first year !! Wish you loads of success and growth in the coming years !! Thank you for a chance to win your awesome stamps !! shared on FB twice :)
alice k. said…
Happy anniversary! I only just stumbled on your stamps and I must say they are fabulous! Thank you for the chance to win.
Happy 1st anniversay! love your stamps and really enjoyed this blog hop. Thanks for the chance to win

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