New Stamps and Sale!

Heyyyy. stampers! Bibi here today (owner of Rubber Dance) to share some photos of cards I have made with the brand new stampsThese stamps are so new, my Design Team didn't even get them yet! Wanna beat them to it? Keep reading ...

The first card I want to show you is made with this cool dude, the Rascal Rooster.
I have used our challenge colours this month (green, white, orange), 
and also a lot of blue (the national colour of Ireland).

 I coloured the rooster with Inktense watercolour pencils. 
The panel behind him is with Distress inks in matching colours.

Here's another version, more fierce looking this time. Brusho background:

Another Irish card ... although this Clover Castle stamp can be French or German or ... 
any nationality, I guess!

Next up are some cards where I've used stamps from the new set, Games:

Combined with stamps from the sets Pick a Number and Round in Circles.

Lots of colours are fun, but I also wanted to see how these stamps looked with plain colours 
from a deck of cards - red and black:


The "Hello There!" stamp from African Animals is one that I use a LOT!

Here it is again with the new stamp, The Shopper. 
Background made with Brusho, and I coloured her in with Brusho and a paint brush:

I also have these two new sets, Fly with Me and Flying Mail:

Here's what I've made with them so far:

The F and the L on the large tag below are the outlines of stickers. I added them after I had made the Brusho background, then coloured them in with a yellow Inktense watercolour pencil - and, as you know, blue + yellow = green. I did the same on the tiny tag attached in the corner. On the stamped image's wings and body,  I used a green watercolour pencil.

The last ones are these three ... 
I'm not sure where they'll end up yet, perhaps I'll use all three on the same card, or make three cards.... we'll see! These postoid stamps can of course be used on envelopes as well - but they are pretty big. The one in the middle is 6 x 5 cm.  

And now - finally - what you all have been scrolling down for .....

I said there would be a SALE???

I sure did! To take 25 % off your order of any (or all) of the new stamps,
simply use this coupon code before checkout: NewStamps25
The offer is good this week - till Sunday the 20th of March.

As Always:
Flat rate shipping - worldwide! - only €4,50!
FREE shipping on orders of €35 or more (after discount).

Happy Stamping!



PS: I keep telling my DT's that they must add their watermarks on their photos, or I'll chase them down and slap them around with a paint brush loaded in pink paint!! So how come I didn't add my own watermark this time? Because I was in a hurry and forgot, that's why! I'll get around to it when I have more time to edit all the photos, again... (Edited: DONE!) Just thought I'd mention that I AM aware of it, before I get covered in paint .....

The next morning .... My DT Majo saw my PS above and uploaded this photo to our DT group on Facebook ... Cracked me UP!!


Wow beautiful stamps and Cards I love them. Janny
Majo said…
Beautiful stamps and beautiful samples. Can't wait to get my hands on them ♥
Jane said…
What beautiful work Bibi, so much colour and vibrancy. You naughty girl re lack of watermarking...LOL...slapped hand. The sale sound fab...what a generous saving. Happy Sunday, I have an inky and painty day ahead...the best! Hugs xx
ike said…
Awesome creations - love you colours and the new stamps are fabulous :-D

IKE xx

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Craftyfield said…
Always excited to see new stamps! An interesting mix of quirky and traditional in this release. Love your samples, very creative and great use of bright colours. Have a great Sunday, xx
Mac Mable said…
Wow ...fabulous cards and projects. Excited about the new stamps. The first card with the colouring in with the peerless is fantastic!
ionabunny said…
OMG. I am so excited by these. My first look and I can't wait to get these. WOW, you have really hit the mark with these. So cool. My order is on the way. Hugz
I am completely overwhelmed! These stamps are absolutely brilliant and the cards you made was incredibly stylish ♥ Looooove it, Bibi!
Hugs, Anita
hellerlittle said…
very amazing new Ones...but my fav is "The Shopper" ...
she reminds me of my grandma when she was going to buy something
only Grandma wasn´t never using a hat *lol
LG hellerlittle
Squiddy said…
So many great ideas and vibrant colours... Rascally Rooster had better fly into my cart pdq! Clever flYing. As for watermarking - how could you? Looks like I've got one of the originals thank you so much - Bewdy, Mate!
Squiddy said…
aaactually, if you wanted to watermark them but use them afterwards without watermarks, why not print the watermark on a sheet of acetate, and lay that over the piece before photographing :) Though the shine might make some angles/lighting tricksy :)
Bibi Lindahl said…
oooor, I could print it on a white piece of paper and place it under the card(s) before taking a photo... except, come to think of it, the cards have different sizes so I'd need several different sized watermarks. Naw, I'll do it in Photoshop as usual (i.e. when I remember). Thanks for the idea, though ♥
Unknown said…
Gracious Bibi - you pulled out all the stops - wow. The new stamps are all so fun. My fav, of course, is Rascal Rooster. I love roosters - wonderful colors! This was a great Monday morning treat. Every creation is SUPER FABULOUS! j
Julie S said…
LOVE the new stamps!!! You make it so hard for me to stay on my spending freeze...
klistersøster said…
Wow Bibi - love your new stamps. Hugs
alice k. said…
Love love love those new stamps!

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