CASology Week #202: Masculine (card by Bibi)

Hello everyone! Bibi here today to show you a card I've made for the challenge at CASology, where the theme this week is to make a masculine card.

"Heeeelp!", was my first reaction when I saw what their theme was, as I think it's really difficult to make cards for men! In addition, it must of course be CAS (= Clean And Simple), so I really had to step outside of my comfort zone....., but that's the point of a good challenge, isn't it? :-)

Anyway, it was a post by DT Kristiina (on our Scandinavian blog) that came to my rescue! If you haven't seen her post, you really should! The text is in Swedish, but there are lots of awesome project photos that speak for themselves.

Kristiina had used stamped letters as the only "images" on her cards and I was very impressed by what she made, so I took out my Alphabet Uno stamps (same as Kristiina had used), and what do you know - they spoke to me right away! Thank you, Kristiina! :-D

And here it is, my love card for my sweetheart. No need to wait for a special occasion to hand him one of those :-)

I'm practising photo propping ... the tiny boat is a souvernir we bought in Nerja (Spain) last fall 
and the stripes behind the card is a pillow in our greenhouse where the theme is red and white this year.

I placed the letters on an acrylic block that has a grid - very helpful - then stamped on a piece of scrap paper to check if I had spaced the letters correctly. Some adjustments later, and I was ready to go. I do not use any cling cushion when I stamp - just a simple glue stick to adhere the nekkid rubbah to the acrylic block (which I obviously never clean ....)

As you can see from the photo above, these stamps are outline letters. I drew different patterns inside (another idea I've "stolen" from Kristiina!), then embossed them with clear EP.  My letters were 100% black and white, but when I used an embossing pen on top, the black pen, although water resistant, smeared out and turned the white areas grey ... I actually liked it - happy accident! I used some red ink inside the O before embossing.

When Tom comes home from work, it's quite common that we go our seperate ways after dinner - he goes to his office or workshop and I go to my combined office/workshop/craft room. Even if we're not in the same room all the time, it does happen that I think about him! ♥ I printed out a poem by Norwegian poet Tor Ulven that I think fits us well (I've transalted it here from Norwegian) and glued it to the inside of the card:

Minutes, maybe hours
of your own existence
that you have forgotten,
but that I 
remember. You live
a secret life
in someone else's memory.

 Isn't that romantic? I don't know, it's as far as my romantic gene can stretch itself anyway! LOL

Come join the challenge at CASology!

The deadline is Monday at 19.00 Central Euro Time.
New challenges start every Tuesday.

Thank you for stopping by!


PS: It's the Icelandic National Day today (June 17th), so this one's to all our readers in Iceland:

Til hamingju með daginn!

Iceland holds a special place in my heart after I lived there from 1998 to 2000.
That's where I was when I first started designing stamps in '99.
Btw, there was a stamp store in Reykjavík back then - all PSX, so I have a few of those :-)


Nancy Soetaert said…
Nice cas-card Bibi, so fun with the embossed letters!
great poem too!
Jane said…
What a great card Bibi and so romantic. ..I bet your husband was delighted by it xx
ionabunny said…
Lovely CAS creation. Now, see, I think your stamps are perfect for CAS and you have so many perfect manly images. Love the doodled leters. Hugz
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thank you, Nancy! Glad you liked the poem as well :)
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thank you, Jane! Yes, he was! :) xx
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thank you, darlin'! I am starting to look at my stamps from a CAS perspective and they do look quite different to me now! :)
Craftyfield said…
Depending on the letters of your OH name the design can be lifted... and what do you know... I can! Lovely CAS card Bibi.
Mac Mable said…
What a good and clever x Very romantic poem too x
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thank you, Mrs C! I hope you will lift it! :))
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thanks, MM! That poem has been a fave for many years. It applies to friends as well! x
Gerrina said…
I think ypu stapped out of your comfort zone in a splendid way!
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thank you, Gerrina! And the more I stay there, the more comfy it gets :)
Jacquie Southas said…
Love the way you filled in the letters, Bibi! Thanks for playing along with CASology this week!
Kreative Kymona said…
Hey BiBi!! Wonderfully done. I love your shine letters Nicely done.Thank you so much for playing with us this week at CASology.
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thanks, Jacquie! This was fun! :)
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thank you, Kymona! I think I've caught the CAS bug! :)

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