Unruly Rules!

Hey, fans! It's Bibi here today, you know .... the owner of Rubber Dance? I know, I know....you don't hear from me very often - mostly this blog is devoted to artwork by my Fabulous Design Team, and they all do such a great job that I've wisely stepped aside to let the masters be the chefs. Not so today, but nevertheless wise - sprinkled with a wholesome portion of pride, because I'm here to share with you that for the entire months of February AND March, Rubber Dance is honoured to be the sponsor of the Unruly PaperArts Blogozine! :-D

I know a lot of our readers are familiar with 
Unruly PaperArts, but in case you are not - UPA is one of the coolest places I've been to (with Iceland as a good runner up). Why? Oh, maaaan - if you have to ask that question, you've been missing out! But worry not, dear friends in the dark, for I come bearing gifts to enlighten you - a blogozine of gifts in the form of archives packed full of inspiration & information, new articles several times a week, challenges, readers' submissions, oh and prizes, and ...

Want to find out more? Then read on ....

That's right - I made that myself for myself...

On their website, Unruly PaperArts says this about themselves:Unruly Paper Arts is a collaborative Blogozine featuring regular and guest columnists as well as reader-submitted articles on stamping, mixed media, collage, altered art and scrapbooking.   Believing that creativity is boundless our articles are designed to introduce new products, techniques and simply inspire, encouraging our readers to discover all that is magnificent and messy in their own art.

All that is true, but way too modest in my un-humble opinion. I know it isn't easy to brag about your own stuff, so let me do it for them: Unruly RULES! So there. But don't take my word for it, go over there and see for yourself. Maybe you'll love it, too.

Unruly Paper Arts has a theme this month that they've called "Fully Booked!" - not because they are fully booked already (YOU can submit artwork, oh yes you can!), but because the theme is alllll about all types of
book projects, from book binding, altered books, tag books, etc, etc .... I'm going to have to say "etc" since I don't know what they will be sharing with us throughout this month, all I know is that it is going to be fabulousiously funtastic! I know that because I'm a fan of that place and I know it because many of their talented regular columnists will be using MY stamps! And my stamps are FAB, as you already know (forget what I said about self-bragging earlier, 'cos it doesn't apply to me when it comes to my stamps - obviously! *grins*)

If you want to know how I made my tag, read on. If not, jump over to the Unruly PaperArts Blogzine right away. See you there! :-)

For those who are still lingering on, here's my tag again. I guess I interpreted the book theme a little outside of the bookshelf when I made this tag, but there ARE old book pages on it! Stamped book pages, that is, but nevertheless ....

:   Stamps: Mona Lisa, Cross Stitches, Old Book Page Stamp, Vintage Script (all from Rubber Dance).

Supplies: Large tag (8 x 15 cm, 3 x 6 1/8 inches), watercolor paper, Distress inks, waterproof inks (I've used StazOn and Archival), stained teabag paper, letter stickers, ribbon, jute string, metal embellishments, spray bottle, tape.

Description: Drink a cup of tea, set aside teabag for several days to dry. Hot tip (this one with our British friends in particular in mind): If you use milk in your tea, take the teabag out before adding the milk. (Milk left out to dry produces a nasty smell. Just trust me on that, 'K?). 
Using a waterproof black ink, stamp with the Old Book Page Stamp repeatedly to cover the whole tag. Do the same on your stained teabag paper, and adhere a piece on the top of the tag. Fold another piece of the teabag paper for a "pleated skirt" at the bottom of the tag. Set aside.
Colour a piece of watercolor paper with Distress inks and a foam applicator. Stamp "Vintage Script" with Vintage Photo Distress ink to cover the entire piece. Unless you prefer to sew, stamp the "Cross Stitches" on both sides with black ink (I never prefer to sew, hence the practical stitch stamp). Spray the watercolor paper with water and let the Distress inks run. Tear and distress the edges, adhere to the tag. On a piece of white cardstock, stamp "Mona Lisa" with Coffee Archival ink. Color her cheeks with pink Distress ink. Cut out, soot the edges with black ink, adhere to tag with foam tape. Wrap some jute string stained with black ink around the tag. Dye a white ribbon with pools of Distress inks, dry with heatgun. Stamp "Old Book Page Stamp" with black StazOn (or similar) on one side of the ribbon. Stain two decorative metal corners with black StazOn, heat set and adhere to tag with Glue Dots (or similar that won't show through). Spell "Read on!" with stickers, add shadow around the stickers with blue Distress ink. Last, but not least: Hold your beautiful tag up and admire it! Pat yourself on the back. Make one more. Repeat. But before doing so, make sure you pop over to Unruly PaperArts and check out what's going on. 

If you are still here, you deserve a Patient Blog Reader's Stamp Discount! I'm offering a special on the Old Book Page Stamp this month! You'll need a coupon code in order to get your discount, which is OLD20 - use that one and get 20 % off the Old Book Page single stamp OR the entire set of stamps where this stamp can be found! "Collage Mix" is a l
arge sheet of unmounted, red rubber stamps - measuring 20 x 26 cm (8 1/2 x 10 1/2 inches).

Collage Mix

The single stamp measures 6 x 11 cm (2 3/8 x 4 inches)
 and looks like this:

Old Book Page Stamp (Gothic text in Swedish)

You can find the stamps over at my website: www.rubberdance.com, under the category Collage & Backgrounds. Remember the coupon code: OLD20, and get 20 % off the single stamp and/or the entire set. Coupon is good Feb 1st to 28th, 2015.

Thanks for stamping by! 


Let your Muse loose!
- proud sponsor of


Wonderful tag, Bibi. Love this is nice and happy blog post by you!
Majo said…
Such a beautiful tag, great inspiration for all <3
ddazzled71 said…
Bibi thank you for the wonderful intro to our site and you have every right to brag cos your stamps are truly wonderful.......I will share your promotion over in our group on the on the facebook page to bring people to your site too! Looking forward to a fabulous month of inspiration from your team and all our creative contributors. Danie xx
ddazzled71 said…
Oh and I forgot to say that I love your tag Bibi, it's really beautiful! xx
2amscrapper said…
Bibi, thank you for sponsoring UPA this month. Your stamps are wonderful to work with! What a nice bonus offer here! Your tag is perfect for this month's theme. Helenle
2amscrapper said…
Typing too quickly--I can't type my own name---Helene
Unknown said…
Love this happy post Bibi - and your tag rocks. Will be trying that teabag paper thing :).
Julie Lee said…
Fabulous, quirky and beautiful tag, Bibi! I have been working with your stamps and they are terrific! Thank you so much for sponsoring Unruly Paper Arts for February and March and for this great blog! I have become a follower and I am really excited to see and to share all that can be created with Rubber Dance Stamps! xxx
Lizzy Hill said…
Looks a FUN place to play! Must go over take a peek.....& your tag is fabulous! No wonder....you use the BEST stamps, [giggles!!!] :):)
Bibi Lindahl said…
Awwwww.......... you guys are SO sweet!! Thank you so much for all your kind words. I really appreciate it!!!
It makes me very happy to hear how much you love my stamps and I can't wait to see what the Unruly folks have made with them. What an exciting month this will be!! :-D
massofhair said…
Just ordered another set of your sentiment stamps Bibi as i do love your humour, next it will be the circles and hearts sets, loving your new stamps very much. You brag away as your stamps are amazing!!!

Will go look at the UPA site very soon, your Tag is AMAZING i have been drying tea bags for ages, a lot of UK peeps use the bags from tea pots so no milk anywhere near the bag. I am a coffee drinker myself but OH is the tea drinker, i switched him from round bags to square ones so i could start collecting lol. They are wonderful to stamp onto and i love how you have used them on your Tag.

Keep up with your wonderful design team and your amazing stamp designs :-) xxx
massofhair said…
I also forgot to say THANK YOU for following my blog :-) xxx
Karen P said…
How dopey am I Bibi? I had no idea that you were behind the Unruly Paper Arts too! I think fibro fug is affecting my brain a lot more than I realised!
Your tag is gorgeous and the mixed media technique is something I have done before, for a change, I love that we can use groceries for our creations! I have used tea bags and lemon juice to get different effects and the problem with that is that it made me want lemon cake lol! Going to try even harder now to win a challenge over here so that I can win some of your gorgeous and glorious stamps!
I also want to say thank you to you and your DT - for the inspirations and for sharing how you create your pieces. For a newly obsessed mixed media fan I really appreciate that as not all mixed media'ologists share the technique. I wish you all happy and productive challenges with your business doing well too Karen x
Ellie Knol said…
I've seen it Bibi, happy for you!
Artatag said…
That tag is so supercool! Thanks for the tutorial! Super inspiration!
Julie S said…
I've been in the dark! Thanks for sharing. Heading over pronto...
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thank you so much for the compliments! :-)
I'm a coffee drinker, too, but those tea bags are so cool to stamp on! Of course, we can stamp on coffee filters as well (depends what kind you use...).
Of course I want to follow your blog - it's a mistake that I hadn't done so before!

Thank you for your order! I shipped it yesterday so it won't be long now till you can play and have fun with them :-)
Bibi Lindahl said…
I'm haven't been on Unruly till now, I discovered it but a few months ago and then I got this opportunity to sponsor.
Thank you for the compliments about my tag! It was fun to make.
I'm very glad to hear that you find it inspiring to look at what the DT makes. I think it's good to share how we make things, not everyone can tell how something was made just by looking at the finished piece.

Thank you so much or the well wishes for my business! :-)
Bibi Lindahl said…
Thank you, sweeties! :-)

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